Success Stories
Career Success Stories
Core Themes graduates are one terrific group of people! Their confidence and approach to career counseling and coaching are readily apparent in their contagious joy and enthusiasm for life. It is no accident. They know what is important to their Success and Happiness. Through Core Theme’s executive career counseling, they have developed a purpose-driven career. They are now enjoying a great work/life balance. Graduates have learned what their strengths are and how to interview effectively.
Going through Core Themes executive career counseling is like reading a novel about yourself, learning who you are and what you want. Armed with this self-knowledge, one has the tools needed to search for a job. Once a job is landed, they know how to play to their strengths, and enlist the help of others around them when needed. The Core Themes method of career counseling and coaching encourages collaboration as well as introspection. When one is aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses (introspection), it is easier to ask for help when needed.